April’s Fundraiser of the Month

Our Fundraiser of the Month for April is Kelly Murphy!

A BIG SHOUTOUT goes to our amazing fundraiser of the month – Kelly!

Back in March, we launched our 90K Challenge where participants were challenged to run, jog or walk 90K in March. We had hundreds of people join our Facebook Community group to discuss the challenge and one of those was Kelly. Kelly decided to take part in the challenge to mark 6 years since her Dad was found. She wanted to thank Missing People for the publicity appeals we publicized at the time as well as help other families.

Kelly completed the 90K Challenge and was one of our biggest fundraisers of the whole challenge! She raised over £730 for us which will fund over 8 publicity appeals for 8 missing people.

Thank you Kelly for taking part in our challenge and raising an incredible amount for us – we are so grateful for your support!

View Kelly’s fundraiser


Would you like to be a Fundraiser of the Month?

You can – all you need you to do is raise money for Missing People!

We are always looking to celebrate the achievements of our exceptional fundraisers.

There are so many different ways you can fundraise for us:

  • Participate in one of the Challenge Events, full list of events here
  • Dedicate your birthday to Missing People by setting up a special birthday fundraising page here.
  • You could dance, sing, bake cakes – the options are endless, here are some ideas for inspiration.

So if you have a fundraising idea that will help raise vital funds for people affected by disappearance, go for it and you may be our next Fundraiser of the Month!

Sign up to be a Digital Search Hero

We have launched a regular email so that you can be aware of new missing person appeals and share them far and wide! We are also calling on all Heroes to be the eyes and ears for Missing People on the ground. Your sighting of a missing person could make a difference in a crucial time.