You can help us to be a lifeline when someone disappears by becoming a Poster Partner or a Safeguarding Briefing Partner.
These special partners are automatically sent posters or briefings when a vulnerable missing person is thought to be in their area.
Poster partners are organisations and businesses who agree to publicly display posters of appeals on their premises when someone goes missing in their area or when a missing person is believed to be in their locality. This means you may get posters which state the appeal is for someone who is missing from a location nowhere near your premises. Appeals are targeted following information from the police and family members. Displaying these posters helps to highlight the search for the missing person which encourages sightings and offers hope and support to the families of the missing.
Examples of poster partners may include cafes, libraries, shops, offices, bars, pubs & restaurants. Community notice boards, especially in small communities, can be a great place to display our posters. Our poster partners play a crucial role in the search for a missing person and can make a real difference.
Safeguarding Briefing Partners are for projects that work with children and/or adults who perform a safeguarding role or aim to increase wellbeing. Examples of Safeguarding Briefing Partners include; hostels, soup kitchens, mental health support services or any agency helping children or adults through a difficult time, including voluntary and statutory organisations. We send briefings to Safeguarding Briefing Partners informing them of a person missing in their area, offering advice and support to both the Safeguarding Briefing Partner and the missing person.
As with our posters, we circulate briefings to areas following information from the police and family members. This means, on occasion, you will receive briefings for people who are missing from other locations or even parts of the country, along with those missing from the local area.
There are times when police tell us that they feel publicity isn’t appropriate for a missing person investigation, but that being able to share information of a missing person around safeguarding organisations would be invaluable to their search and to ensure the missing person is given the right kind of support. We ask our Safeguarding Briefing Partners to only share the briefings they receive about a missing person with their staff and volunteers, to treat them as confidential and not to display them publicly.
We will work with you to give you guidance on how best to support a missing person, and what you can do to help them talk through their options. We’ll never ask you to information-share with us about your service users and there is no requirement to tell Missing People if a missing person is accessing your project.
Find out more about our Safeguarding Briefing Partner network.
If you would like to use your business to help reunite more missing people with their families, please send us your details and we will be in touch to register you.
Sign up to become a partnerIf you’re an individual looking to share posters in your area, sign up below to become a Digital Search Hero.
We have launched a regular email so that you can be aware of new missing person appeals and share them far and wide! We are also calling on all Heroes to be the eyes and ears for Missing People on the ground. Your sighting of a missing person could make a difference in a crucial time.