Barnes Primary School Film Club

About the film

Barnes Primary School have made a fantastic promotional campaign film for Missing People, highlighting the work of the charity and the issue of missing. The video outlines some key reasons that young people may go missing and encourages those watching to contact our Helpline on 116000 if they need support.

The short film will be showcased at the Kingston International Film Festival, Barnes Film Festival and it will be shared amongst the school community. The children making this very informative film are aged between 8-11 years old. We are sure we will see some of their names on the big screen one day!

Meeting with the children

Jo Youle, CEO of Missing People, met with the children and their teacher via Zoom to answer their questions around the charity.

Some of the questions asked include:

  • What sorts of calls do you get on the Helpline?
  • Why do children go missing?
  • Where do they go?
  • What do Missing People do and how do you help?

Jo Youle said of this meeting:

“They showed real care, compassion and curiosity – I was so impressed with their inquisitiveness”

Watch the film

Sign up to be a Digital Search Hero

We have launched a regular email so that you can be aware of new missing person appeals and share them far and wide! We are also calling on all Heroes to be the eyes and ears for Missing People on the ground. Your sighting of a missing person could make a difference in a crucial time.