Adult Return Home Interview Pilot

In December 2016-July 2017, we delivered the first telephone Return Home Interview pilot service for adults in South Wales, North Wales, Gwent and Lincolnshire.

An independent evaluation found that although Return Home Interviews are not statutory in England and Wales, our service left returned adults feeling better supported, and more empowered to make decisions about their future. Missing adults reflected on the importance of speaking to someone, ‘friendly, calm and independent,’ who was there when they needed them on their return.

In addition, the service provided police with a significant increase in informed intelligence by consent, regarding domestic abuse, exploitation, and abduction, to help with relevant investigations. It also increased local information sharing between multi-agency partners in Health, and Adult Services.

Evaluation of the pilot recommended that Return Home Interviews for adults should be adopted as an initial gateway service for adults who do not have access to on-going support. It credited the excellent development and management of the service:

“The quality of leadership… and the high standard of delivery were impressive.”

– Independent Evaluation, Trilein 2017

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