When you come back from being missing, things might still be difficult. Returning doesn’t mean that everything is suddenly okay. You might still be trying to sort things out from before you went missing, or you might even find that there are more pressures now you’re back. You might even feel like your only option is to leave again.
Below are some things to think about, to help yourself, and hopefully prevent you from wanting to go again.
Issues you were already facing may be magnified by your experience of being away, and by how people are interacting with you now you are back. Getting some help, support or advice on specific issues might help you feel less overwhelmed. Read this list of other agencies and services that could help with things like mental health, addiction, homelessness, debt.
The pressure to leave again may be building up because you haven’t been able to explain what happened to you, or why you left. The opportunity to talk about what happened may help you to process it all properly. Think about who in your life could be a good and trusted person to talk to. Sometimes it’s helpful to talk to someone you feel you can trust, but who doesn’t know you very well. This could be a GP, or a helpline.
Processing your missing experience is probably very difficult. Thinking about why you left, what happened when you were away, and what it’s been like since you’ve come back. This can all feel overwhelming. Don’t feel as though you have to go through it alone. Whatever the situation, you deserve support and care. Your GP may be able to refer you to talking therapy or counselling. Read our guidance on how to talk about what happened to you.
Your mental well being may have been affected by everything that’s going on. Don’t feel like you need to sort it out yourself, and don’t be embarrassed to get help. There are lots of different ways you can look after your mental health.
Are you being hurt, threatened or put at risk by people you live with, or who live in your area? This might be part of why you went missing originally, or it could be because you left. If this is the case, leaving may seem like the only way to be safe. If you are worried about your safety, tell someone you trust what is happening, or speak to the police. If you think you are being exploited by criminals or a gang, you can read more about this here.
Before you decide to leave again, think about some other ways of feeling better, or feeling safe. Perhaps you could find somewhere else to stay for a short while, with a friend or family member, or somewhere alone. This is fine to do, but if you can, let somebody know that this is your plan. This could stop people from thinking that you are missing again.
If you still feel like your only option is to leave, we can listen and help you to explore your options, and make sure you are safe. We’re here for free and in confidence.
Talk to usWe have launched a regular email so that you can be aware of new missing person appeals and share them far and wide! We are also calling on all Heroes to be the eyes and ears for Missing People on the ground. Your sighting of a missing person could make a difference in a crucial time.