Privacy policy for job applicants

Missing People (“we”) takes your privacy seriously and is committed to protecting your personal information.  This Privacy Policy tells you what we do with that information, why, and how we collect it.

Missing People is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a Data Controller which means we are responsible for how we use the data we hold.  We have a data protection officer (DPO) who is responsible for ensuring that the charity protects your data and abides by the Data Protection Act 1998 and, from May 2018, the new Data Protection Act.   The DPO can be contacted through and will provide more information about our policies if required.

Why we process your data

In order to identify, interview and then appoint applicants to posts according to the best recruitment practice to which the charity aspires, we carefully manage personal data about applicants.  We do this according to data protection law and best practice as expressed in our recruitment policy and procedures.  We use our legitimate interest as the legal basis for this processing except where we ask for your consent as specified below.   We also have a legal obligation to ensure equal opportunities and that you have the right to work in UK.

How we collect your data, and what we collect

The data we collect may comprise identification and contact data, the information applicants freely provide in their curriculum vitae and special category data so that we can monitor our performance with regard to equal opportunities.  If the applicant gives consent for the special category data to be used for monitoring purposes, they can provide age, gender, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation.  This information is not used as part of the selection process and is dissociated from the applicant’s name.

We collect the above data from applicants using a web form hosted securely by a third party provider, EasyWeb.  The above personal data is retained for 1 year for unsuccessful applicants.  The anonymized equal opportunities data is held indefinitely.

We may also receive curriculum vitae details from recruitment companies.

If you are invited for interview we may also ask for:

  • health records through night worker assessment forms and/or health questionnaires if appropriate
  • disclosure and barring records where the role requires it
  • visa and proof of the right to work in UK
  • employment records, and your existing salary, annual leave, pension and benefits information.
  • Any criminal convictions if appropriate to the role
  • Referees’ names and contact information

We will retain the above and the notes we make during an interview for 1 year if you are unsuccessful and as long as our internal processes require if you get the job.

With your consent we may share relevant information provided by you with the your referees, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), your G.P or an Occupational Health professional.

Missing People keeps your personal information, i.e. information from which you can be identified, on secure databases and secure systems to which only we have access.

Your Rights

If you have any concerns about the data we hold about you and what we do with it you can e-mail us at  and we will respond quickly.  We respect your rights under data protection law, e.g. rights to data access, to rectification, to request erasure, to restrict   processing and to object, and will implement them subject to any conflict with the rights of others.  You also have the right to seek compensation if harm has occurred.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office or the Fundraising Regulator if you are unhappy with the response you receive from Missing People.

Sign up to be a Digital Search Hero

We have launched a regular email so that you can be aware of new missing person appeals and share them far and wide! We are also calling on all Heroes to be the eyes and ears for Missing People on the ground. Your sighting of a missing person could make a difference in a crucial time.