Media Consent Form

  1. I have provided Missing People with a spoken/written audit of my experience in relation to missing, and hereby grant Missing People the right to use this story or written variations of it for any purposes in relation to Missing People’s work including, without limitation, the right to use them in any advertisements and other publicity materials, direct mail, books, newspapers, magazine articles, television programmes, social media and internet publications throughout the world wherever Missing People chooses to do so.
  2. I also give Missing People the right to share my story with third party organisations such as media partners and funders including People’s Postcode Lottery. In consideration of Missing People agreeing to use my audio/photographs/video/film (i.e. image) subject to the limitations below, I hereby grant Missing People and any assignees or licensees the absolute right to use the images resulting from the audio/photography/video filming shoot, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for any purposes in relation to Missing People’s work including, without limitation, the right to use them in any advertisements and other publicity materials, direct mail, books, newspapers, magazine articles, television programmes, social media and internet publications throughout the world wherever Missing People chooses to do so.
  3. I also give Missing People the right to share my images with third party organisations such as media partners and funders including People’s Postcode Lottery. I understand that I do not own copyright or have any rights of ownership or other claim over the images.
  4. I understand that use of case studies may not be anonymised and I may therefore be identified by name where appropriate to the story.
  5. I understand that Missing People will keep all the written, audio, and images and use them for such period as it considers appropriate and will move them into its archive for posterity once they are no longer appropriate for the modern image library.

 Missing People values your support and promises to respect your privacy. The data we gather and hold Well, it’s tricky because that is actually his form, not our legally. is managed in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998).  

Data protection: Missing People is the Data Controller of your data under the Data Protection Act (1998) and will use your personal data for the purposes of publicising the work and aims of the organisation.  You may withdraw consent for your data to be used for these purposes at any time, at which point Missing People will not use your data from that date.  However, please note that any information which was placed in the public domain with your consent prior to that date cannot be withdrawn. 

If you would like to withdraw consent, please write to: Communications Team, Missing People, Roebuck House, 284 Upper Richmond Road West, London, SW14 7JE or email: 

Missing People l Registered charity in England and Wales (1020419) and in Scotland (SC047419). FREEPOST Missing People, 284 Upper Richmond Road West, London, SW14 7JE.