By texting 10 missing people in crisis to let them know someone is here to support them.
There for the missing, and those who love them, every day. To listen. To talk. To find a way through at a difficult time.
Providing practical advice and emotional support to help families. There when they need it the most.
Monthly donations are vital. The search for someone can be a long, painful journey. Your monthly gift could help us be there for the long haul, however long it takes.
Alexander Sloley has been missing from Islington since 2008. Here, his mother Nerissa talks about his disappearance, and the discrimination she faced during the search for her son.
Learn more about Missing People's Safeguarding Briefing Network- a network of organisations that receive missing persons briefings and play a vital role in helping to find missing people.
Missing People Trustee James Walker speaks on his work with London Search and Rescue, a volunteer service that aids in the search for missing people.
Anthony Stammers was 27 years old when he went missing, the day before his granddad’s funeral. Here, his parents make an appeal for his return.
One of Missing People's earliest cases was that of Lee Boxell, who went missing from Sutton in September 1988. His parents Christine and Peter speak about their memories of Lee and appeal for information.
Isabella Skelton has been missing since 1969 - 55 years ago. Here her daughter Lynda speaks about her mother, and her ongoing search for the truth.
Stephen Fry, longtime Patron of Missing People, has lived experience of being missing. Here, he tells Mirror readers what they can do to help families this Christmas
Longtime Patron of Missing People, Amanda Redman, speaks on her experience of missing and her important work for the charity,
Home Office Minister Jess Phillips visited Missing People's offices in support of our Mirror Christmas Campaign.
Sinead ran away from care homes and foster carers when she was only 12-years-old. Here, she speaks about her experience.
Alice Gross went missing in August 2014 and was sadly later found deceased. Her mother Ros speaks about Alice's disappearance and how she copes with this loss.
The Mirror visited Missing People's offices to learn more about the work we do to be a lifeline when someone disappears.
Jack O'Sullivan has been missing from Bristol since 2nd March 2024. His mother Catherine talks to The Mirror.
Georgina Gharsallah has been missing from Worthing since 7th March 2018. Here her mother Andrea discusses her disappearance.
Jade went missing more than 50 times as a teenager, but has since been able to turn her life around.
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Call 02034047251 to make a donation over the phone. Please note, the number is only available from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm excluding bank holidays.
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