Bridgend Youth Justice Service Performance Framework Data evidenced that children and young people who are care experienced are overrepresented within Bridgend Youth Justice Service (BYJS). As a result of this finding, the BYJS restorative team met with the managers of the two local authority residential homes within the borough to discuss how this issue could be tackled .
The managers felt that links with the police could be strengthened so that officers could work proactively with the children in an informal way. They also felt that there was a training need for residential staff in the use of restorative approaches as a response to incidents within the home.
To address these concerns, BYJS arranged a visit to both homes with the BYJS police officer to establish a relationship between care home management and staff and the police. The BYJS police officer encouraged management at the home to call her with any concerns that they have and has committed to linking in with the homes whenever needed. Since this initial meeting the BYJS police officer has been called to visit the homes on several occasions to speak with young people.
With regards to addressing the training gap in restorative approaches, BYJS has proposed the following which has been discussed with and accepted by care home management: