For all donations received from text donating, Missing People receives 100% of the donation. For each donation text you send, you will be charged the donation amount plus any associated text message costs (as stipulated by your network service provider).
You may be charged a standard text message rate (dependent on your service provider) if you have opted-in (via text) to hear more from Missing People.
If you text an incorrect keyword or shortcode, you may still be charged for the text message at your network service provider’s text message rate.
Missing People offers a free, confidential Helpline by phone, text or email to help missing children and adults to stay safe around the clock. For the families left behind, the pain won’t end until their loved one is found. We never give up on either of them. Your donation to Missing People will enable us to be a lifeline when someone disappears. For more information on what your donation supports, please view our latest Impact Report.
Missing People is a registered charity in England and Wales (1020419) and Scotland (SC047419)
You can also choose to support Missing People by giving a regular monthly donation via text. There are a few things you should be aware of:
If you are under 16 years of age, you must have a parent or guardian’s permission to donate to Missing People via text. You should always obtain the bill payers permission prior to sending a text message.
You can only donate via text from a UK mobile. You cannot donate using text-to-donate services from the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or other non-UK mobiles. If you donate from a UK mobile outside England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, you may incur additional network charges.
Missing People is committed to good practice in the handling of personal data and careful compliance with requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Missing People will only use your data to keep you updated on its work, including campaigning and fundraising. By donating via text, you agree to receive regular updates to your mobile phone from Missing People. Please let us know if you would prefer not to hear from us by completing your contact preferences here. Alternatively, you can email or phone us on 020 8392 4520. Missing People will ensure that your information is appropriately used, held securely and only kept for so long as necessary.
To find out more about how we handle your data please see our Fundraiser’s Promise and our Privacy and Confidentiality Policies.
Your donation may be eligible for Gift Aid. Missing People may contact you on the mobile number provided to offer you the opportunity to Gift Aid your donation. Missing People may request your details for Gift Aid via a return text or through a webpage form. Please note that standard text message rates and mobile browsing fees may apply (depending on your service provider).
Missing People does not accept any responsibility for any technical failure, malfunctions, congestion, capacity issues or any other problem with any telephone, telephone network line, system, server, provider or otherwise which may result in any text being lost, delayed or not properly received or recorded.
Missing People may contact you in the future on the mobile number provided to inform you about our work and the services your donations are supporting. If you would prefer not to hear from Missing People, please complete your contact preferences here.
Cymba Integrated Solutions Ltd provide Missing People with a text-to-donate charitable donation service.
They are a provider of mobile marketing and payment systems and services and are located at 10-12 Eastcheap, London, EC2V 6DN. They are registered in England and Wales under company number 05104538.
We have launched a regular email so that you can be aware of new missing person appeals and share them far and wide! We are also calling on all Heroes to be the eyes and ears for Missing People on the ground. Your sighting of a missing person could make a difference in a crucial time.