• London
  • Fundraising target
  • 27/04/2025
  • Registration fee

Take on one of the most prestigious marathons in the world along the 26.2 mile route, and raise vital funds to support missing people and their families.

Register your interest


Join #TeamMissingPeople in 2025 for the biggest marathon in the world:

  • One of the ‘World Marathon Majors’
  • Closed roads through central London
  • Enjoy an unrivalled atmosphere with support along the whole course
  • Pass famous landmarks across London
  • Medal & finisher bag


Why run with #TeamMissingPeople?

Missing People goodies – you’ll receive a t-shirt / running vest, which you can personalise so we can see and cheer you along the route. Also extras available for reaching the key fundraising milestone.

Race weekend – a pre-race reception, cheer point along the route and a post-race reception provide a chance to meet your fellow runners and some of the Missing People team.

Fundraising and training support – you’ll receive support via email, phone and Zoom calls when required and access to fundraising materials. You’ll also have access to our exclusive WhatsApp group, where people share their stories, guidance on training, discuss ideas for fundraising and provide continued motivation up until race weekend.

Hear from past runners

“A fab weekend and really nice people in a great team of which it was so nice to be part of” Jonathan.

“I’m so pleased as I know what a difference my fundraising makes to you guys. You’ve made an old man very happy today”. Ged

Your fundraising makes a genuine difference to a charity like ours, £1,000 could help us support the family of a missing person for a whole year. Surpassing the target on an event like this ensures we can support more families.  

To find out more about how we handle your data please see our Fundraiser’s Promise and our Privacy and Confidentiality Policies.

Sign up to be a Digital Search Hero

We have launched a regular email so that you can be aware of new missing person appeals and share them far and wide! We are also calling on all Heroes to be the eyes and ears for Missing People on the ground. Your sighting of a missing person could make a difference in a crucial time.