Reasons people may decide to leave or go missing

What you’re going through

There are lots of reasons why you might be thinking about running away or going missing. Your situation is unique to you.

You might be feeling anxious, scared, worried, low, panicked or something else. We’re here to talk, and you can take your time with us.

We have listed the sorts of issues that people are facing when they get in touch with us below. But, we know there are many more reasons that might make someone want to leave home.

  • Relationship problems.
  • Work, money and debt issues.
  • Mental health issues, including feeling suicidal.
  • Home not being safe – this could include domestic abuse or harassment.
  • Being in poor, unsuitable accommodation.
  • Pressure, threats or intimidation from others.
  • Feeling trapped or not able to be yourself.
  • Isolation.

Getting in touch

You can talk to us about whatever is going on; we won’t be shocked and we won’t judge you, but we will listen and support you.

Talk to us

If you are under 18 you can read about issues you might be facing in more detail on our the Runaway Helpline website, and speak us via online chat.

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