Virtual training on responding to children missing from care

Join our multi-agency virtual training webinar on ‘Responding to children missing from care: The Child’s Voice’ for children’s residential care staff, local authority practitioners and police representatives on Wednesday 16th June 2021 from 6pm – 8:30pm.

This session focuses on supporting professionals to understand why children go missing from care and the processes surrounding this which includes risk assessment, reporting and working with multi-agency partners around the child’s needs. This training has been informed by care-experienced young people’s views.


Children who are looked after in the care system are disproportionately likely to go missing. One in every ten looked after children will go missing compared to an estimated one in every two hundred children generally. They are also much more likely to be reported missing on multiple occasions: in 2020, over 12,000 children who were looked after went missing in over 81,000 missing incidents.

Going missing can be a warning sign of a range of serious harms including sexual and criminal exploitation; bullying; mental health issues; and unhappiness in the home.

A combination of increased risk and over-reporting has left the response to missing children in care settings inconsistent.

Our recent report in consultation with care-experienced children and young people centred their voices to ensure that they are heard, and we’ve used this to inform this training.


This 2.5-hour session is designed to inform and upskill professionals through the following agenda;

  • An introduction to understanding why children go missing from care including how to support a child before, during and after a missing episode
  • An understanding of the impact of over and underreporting missing children in care
  • What children need from the professionals around them in response to missing including findings from our most recent report
  • The multi-agency response in responding to missing children
  • Good practice in prevention and supporting children who go missing from care

Who should attend?

This virtual session has been designed for multi-agency professionals working in children’s residential settings, social workers and police representatives who work with children at risk of missing.

Book your place

Buy today at a discounted ticket price: £36 plus VAT

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If you have any questions about this training, please contact

Find out more about our consultancy and training services here.

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