Challenge Events

Discover your next fundraising challenge event!

There are a variety of challenge events, but which one is right for you?

Find out about the inspiration and fulfilment that only a challenge event can provide.

They can be such a mixture of things… emotional, tough, motivating, challenging, exciting, tiring – some people experience all of this on the same weekend.

Some people take them on as a challenge for themselves, others want to create awareness for our cause, and many want to continue that sense of hope for their family having been affected by missing.

Over the course of the past 12 months, we’ve heard some amazing stories along the way. We’re hoping after you read this you might be inspired to support our charity in creating some more.

Over the past few years Missing People has tried to create calendar of events that are accessible to all, whether that be location, distance or time of year, and we have a few a key races in the programme that prove to be really popular, and we hope this encourages others to get involved.

London Marathon – April

First up in the year come’s London Marathon, one of the World Marathon Majors and the most popular in the world in terms of interest and fundraising for charities. There is nothing quite like it, and the feedback we receive is always amazement at the atmosphere and support, both from the crowds and charity cheer points.

Have the chance to join our exclusive WhatsApp in the build up to the weekend to enjoy some brilliant camaraderie and motivation, with lots of high-fives at Mile 16 and a post-event reception.

Satvir Sembhi took on the challenge in 2022, although not being a runner she wanted take on this difficult challenge for her brother Sanjiv who went missing in 2013, and was doing this for his 50th birthday.

Read the inspiring story about Satvir’s race

Missing Appeal – help find Sanjiv

Register now for the London Marathon

Hackney Half Marathon – May

A weekend of active festivities in East London, hosting the hugely popular Hackney Half. Enjoy the vibrate atmosphere, with entertainment and crowds all along the route, whilst set in the parkland of Hackney Marshes.

Victoria Phillips took on this distance despite her mobility issues. She was an inspiration to both her family who all came to support and her fellow runners. They formed a great camaraderie in our WhatsApp group in the months building up to the race.

Read Victoria’s brilliant story

Register now for the Hackney Half Marathon

Victoria (centre) with a couple of our other runners before the race started

Great North Run – September

The best and most popular half-marathon in the world, what’s not to like?! Enjoy a variety of distance, huge crowds and a glorious welcome from the North East. Attracting close to 60,000 runners, Great North Run allows you to soak up the delights of the Red Arrows and the crossing of the Tyne Bridge, whilst the TV cameras follow everyone around the famous course. A fantastic weekend where we always looking for more people to join the team.

“The support from Missing People throughout and also being on the course in those painful last couple of miles everyone a big boost I’m sure.”

Andy, a participant in the 2022 race

Register now for the Great North Run

Katie took on the famous half marathon to help us support more families affected by missing

Royal Parks Half Marathon – October

Often called the ‘most beautiful half marathon’ in Britain. A stunning race around central London, taking in four Royal Parks in autumn and some of the capital’s world-famous landmarks on closed roads. A brilliant way to take on the popular 13.1 mile distance, with a fast and flat course, huge crowds, and a food festival to finish – providing a great chance to refuel and also meet with family, friends and charities.

“It’s a rollercoaster of emotions when a loved one goes missing.  Knowing I had support from the charity made the days and months bearable and allowed me to have a focus and positivity in extremely challenging circumstances.”

Helen, who ran Royal Parks for Missing People

Register now for Royal Parks

Bek Stratfield (centre) took on the Royal Parks with her best friends, for her son who has very sadly been missing since 2017.

Help find Finn-Layland Stratfield

Other events

If none of the above take your fancy then there are plenty of other options, including the coastal half in Bournemouth with long stretches of seas views, or the historic city of Oxford and take in the world-famous universities, museums and parks. One of the most popular shorter distances is in the glorious Scottish city, with the Edinburgh 10k and enjoy the whole running festival. Why not jump out of your comfort zone and travel abroad for 2 of the leading marathons in Europe, in Barcelona and Amsterdam – then make a weekend of it, with family or friends. Finally, if you are looking for something closer to home we have that covered too.

Other ways to get involved

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We have launched a regular email so that you can be aware of new missing person appeals and share them far and wide! We are also calling on all Heroes to be the eyes and ears for Missing People on the ground. Your sighting of a missing person could make a difference in a crucial time.