Every 90 Seconds
Someone is reported missing every 90 seconds in the UK.
Almost 170,000 people are reported missing every year. Nearly 97,000 are adults and nearly 70,000 are children.
20% of all missing incidents, where Black children are reported missing, are for 48 hours compared to only 13% of episodes where a White child goes missing.
1 in 10
1 in 10 children in care will be reported missing, compared to 1 in 200 children not in care.
Our free and confidential helpline is available 7 days a week, from 9am-11pm. It’s here for both people who want to or have gone missing, as well as families and friends who are worrying about someone. You can contact us by text, email or phone, for free and in confidence.
Read more about support from our helplineInformation you might find useful:
Ongoing support is available specifically for families and friends who are worrying about a missing person or someone who has been found.
Read more about family supportInformation you might find useful:
Information about what it means to be missing, what your rights are and what help there is for you. There is things here which might be helpful to read and organisations which might be of use to you.
Some people prefer to read and find information for themselves, so people would rather talk it through. You choose. We are here for you, call/text 116000
Read more advice for missing peopleInformation you might find useful:
Public appeals can help in the search to find a missing person; we can help you to do this.
Find out more about publicityInformation you might find useful:
If you have lost contact with a family member over time, we might be able to help try to reconnect you with them.
Find out more about Lost Contact tracingInformation you might find useful:
We offer a specialist support service for young people, parents and carers, who are affected by gang exploitation and county lines.
Read more about our SafeCall serviceInformation you might find useful:
We offer tailored support specifically for young people who are away from home or thinking of leaving.
Find out more about Runaway HelplineInformation you might find useful:
Support during different stages of running away
Our unique and specialist counselling service supports families and friends who have experience of someone in their life being a missing person.
Find out more about our counselling serviceInformation you might find useful:
The are many emotional impacts of someone going missing.
Read more about emotional things to think aboutInformation you might find useful:
There are often lots of practical things to do and understand when someone else goes missing, and when they return.
Read more about practical things to think aboutInformation you might find useful:
Once someone has been reported missing, the police will be busy investigating the disappearance.
Read more about police investigationsInformation you might find useful:
A special project helping to prevent and prepare for disappearances, and find people quickly, with a focus on high risk people such as those living with dementia, learning disabilities or mental health issues.
Find out more about Search Dog HeroesInformation you might find useful:
Last year, the charity helped over 8,000 children, adults and families affected by a disappearance. Giving allows us to continue our support for all people affected by a disappearance.